what I did this semester was take 8 classes and create 3 theses. I also
learned how to swim.
my music thesis I recorded samples and made instruments out of them. Bottles
clanking created high percussion and water-filled woks made for sweeping
wobble-lines. I got tons of gamelan sounds and focused on lining up the pulsing
patterns to create a polyrhythmic structure.
thought it would be super cool to create an interface that used body-motion to
control music, and realized it would be possible with a Kinect sensor, Ableton
Live, Synapse, and MaxMSP. At my senior show: "The X Sound Festival"
I performed the piece: "Dream Leftovers" using a minimalist dance to
control elements of the song. It appeared that I was floating because I was lit
by backlight, wearing a UV costume I had made, and standing on one leg to use
one foot to pan a track, In the end I rolled off the stage into the audience.
teacher was powerful mad at me for putting a dead coyote in her dishwasher.
Actually she was mad for not having a DVD for the X Sound Festival (the DVD
drive in the lab was broken). I didn't realize it was an issue because
everything worked fine using my friend's laptop, including preemptive messages
I had made such as: "Shake into a New Dimension is an application
downloaded from the ether, are you sure you want to open it?" and
"The X Sound Festival has unexpectedly quit, reopen? Once I had been
scolded for being unprofessional for an hour or so I felt ashamed and have hopefully learned my lesson.
the part where I get to brag however: after being thoroughly chided my teacher
commented on how impressive it was that I had written two songs and made a
music video in three weeks, along with creating a multi-media performance art
piece. She commented that I had accomplished more with the Kinect sensor
technology in a few weeks than the combined efforts of the technical director
of Mills and a graduate student had over the course of four months.
I was thoroughly burnt out on working hard I just continued to work hard. I
directed my first large video crew and finished my psychology thesis. I had an
average of 3 hours a day commuting by bus throughout the semester and would use
it to do research for this thesis. I ended up writing about music as a metaphor
for brain function, discussing how cross-cerebral neural oscillation synchrony
may be a crucial component for cognitive function. There are many brain
disturbances that are correlated with brainwave synchrony abnormalities and I
proposed new research within three of these areas (schizophrenia, autism
spectrum disorders and Parkinson’s disease) involving a relatively new
individualized neurofeedback treatment that transforms EEG data into
I’m done with my undergraduate degree. I’ve had capstone educational
experiences, but it’s still odd not to be thinking about what classes I’ll take
next semester. Now I’m busy trying to find a job and an apartment but also
making myself deadlines for individual projects like writing an album, making a
few DJ sets, making a line of paintings, creating a fashion line, studying for
the GRE, Researching all the neuroscience literature on dreaming and learning
basic Photoshop, calculus and physics.
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