Monday, April 2, 2012

My office is the dance-floor

I have like 6 posts all backed up from February and early March, but I haven't posted because I wanted to have pictures, but my camera charger is lost. I ordered a new one and it was sent back because they couldn't deliver it. I haven't ordered a new one. Anyway, there went two months or so. I was just writing in my diary and was suddenly like: "I miss my blog!"

As my blog has slipped into low-tide like so many others, I've been waking up at 5 or 6 and working till midnight. I'm obsessively dissolving into a reality of my own creation, and am completely enthusiastic about it - I just don't know where to start describing all the ideas and projects I'm working on!

The reason I though I should write a quick blog post is because I was on the phone with my dad as I rode the bus, telling him about how I am most efficiently productive when I'm on the bus. I've read my entire Music Cognition textbook, and most of my the journals for my psychology thesis on the bus. The other day, as my little body shook loosely within this big singing machine, I got more done on the obese beats I'm making in an hour than I do in about 5 in a quiet room with an almond milk latte. I came up with a music video idea for my Video II group project entirely on the 40-minute ride to school (because I forgot to do so before then) and was personally satisfied with the result. My enthusiasm leaked to the rest of the class and I was selected to be the director of our group project.

When you have to intentionally block out a jangling discord it's a lot easier to really focus. When you have a silent workspace it can be painful to get into, and remain on one task. It makes sense that I prefer to work amidst some kind of chaos - I've always found it easier to sleep if there is a party raging in the background and when I was a baby my mom couldn't get me to sleep without shaking me around to Tom Waits.

My office is the dance-floor, I really can't focus without overpowering beats and strobe lights.

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