Monday, July 8, 2013


Lately some of my dreams are abstract/3D fields of color and feeling. One stood out because it was so blue, left, and aware. The edges were cool sunshine.

I have also had recurring dreams about nachos, which then trigger lucidity because I realize the cheese is too good to be vegan.

I Spent the last couple weeks swishing oil around in my mouth, giving Cole rides, DJing Currents and Winter’s summer solstice party, attending Meow Wolf meetings,  making a toga-inspired gown for Noah /my music video, and getting an additional job at Brad Smith Gallery.

Brad Smith’s oil paintings explore the cutting edge subjects of women and flowers.

On father’s day dad and I were early to Keiko’s Gastronomical Society. Eileen came in and asked how I’ve been, I said sad and depressed, she asked why, and I said because my friend died.

The sushi was as good as ever, I especially liked the bright yellow gourd and green chile. Eileen made bomb-ass-dank-ass smoked tofu and we got to try a Tibetan chili that made for a waterfall of endorphins.

Keiko was getting rid of records her grandfather had given her. I got some jazz and Korean folk songs, Dad picked out a lot of Nat King Cole.

Crocket, Sandra, Chris and I participated in the first RAFT residency, which takes place on a raft (Resident Artists Floating Together). The first part of the residency involved shot-gunning a beer and taking turns using the one oar to get partially across the lake. The experience concluded with making a sail out of a wet-towel, climbing a mountain/exploring the juxtaposition of "the raft riding the residents," and eating lunch.